6.0L Powerstroke
(fits 2003 - 2010)
Are your injectors experiencing Stiction?
It is well-known that a large percentage of the difficulties experienced
with the infamous 6.0L injector originate in the spool valve. Many
customers have been disassembling their own injectors and cleaning the
spool valves in an attempt to restore normal operation. However, with
the increasing age and mileage of the 6.0L Fleet, it is often found that
the spool valves are badly scored or that the ends of the valves are
worn and re-use is unlikely to result in long-term success. New spool
valves are the answer.
NOTE: Please be cautious and note that 6.0 Powerstroke spool valves are directional! If inserted the wrong way the injector will not function!
We also carry other injector parts:
-Complete internal and external seal kits
- Connector bodies
- Solenoids
- Injector holding fixture for lower body removal